Laura Copel

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Laura Copel is a singer and songwriter. Trained as both a musician and a computer programmer, Laura was the 2006 Composer in Residence at Temple Israel of Northern Westchester in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. Her debut album, If We Had Wings, addresses spirituality, wonder, gratitude, and current events through a Jewish lens. Laura’s songs encourage adults and children alike to be the best that they can be by trying to leave the world a little better than they found it.

Laura plays flute, piano, and guitar. She is a founding member of Temple Israel’s Tefilah Band, Sh’ma Na Na.

Born and raised in Massachusetts, Laura lives with her husband in New York’s Lower Hudson Valley, where they gave wings to three fabulous human beings.

Music by Laura Copel

  • Praise God (ft. Joe Buchanan)
Laura Copel — Praise God (ft. Joe Buchanan)
  • Modah Ani (ft. Chava Mirel)
Laura Copel — Modah Ani (ft. Chava Mirel)
  • Hashkiveinu (ft. Happie Hoffman)
Laura Copel — Hashkiveinu (ft. Happie Hoffman)
Jewish Rock Radio