Jewish Women Rock features the best, and most influential female voices in contemporary Jewish music, with host Naomi Less.
About the Host
Naomi Less writes edgy, pop-rock riffs, punchy lyrics, soaring melodies and uplifting messages that move all ages and genders. Hailed by PresenTense Magazine as the “Ultimate Jewish Chick Rocker,” Naomi combines her faith with a modern sound, motivating audiences to work for change in the world. Dedicated to breaking gender stereotypes and producing music with positive non-sexualized lyrics, Naomi’s strong character and unique voice amplify a powerful message to young women: be who you are, no apologies. She founded Jewish Chicks Rock and Jewish Kids Rock, a project to empower more young, kids to pick up instruments and express themselves through rock music. Naomi tours, trains and delivers inspiring, custom-made rock-shops around the world. Naomi has been a songwriter, world-wide Jewish ritual musician, songleader, and rockband leader for 14 years. Naomi has released two solo CDs, “The Real Me” and in 2013 she released her latest CD “Seven” both of these are available on Itunes and CD Baby.
Episode 43: Songs of Toratah: ZimraTah
- Basya Schechter “Karati Ta”
- Chava Mirel & Naomi Less “Ozi”
- Dr. Koach Baruch Frasier “Flower”
- Alicia Jo Rabins “Tehova Natna”
- Rabbi Yosef Goldman & Rabbi Annie Lewis “Daybreak”
- Dr. Harriette Wimms “Shim’i”
- Julie Silver & Beth Schafer “Ki Imach”
- Shira Averbuch “Osa Shalom”
- Yuli Yael Be’eri “Etz Haim”
- Miriam Rubin & Elana Brody “Ela”
- Yael Deckelbaum “The Answer”
- Jessi Roemer “Osah Shalom”
- Naomi Less “Shalom Rav”
- Daphna Rosenberg “Walk Circle”
- Sarina Partridge “Grief”
- Basya Schechter “Peace Is The Way”
- Arielle Lekach Rosenberg “Hashkiveinu”
- Amanda Awend “Oseh Shalom”
- Ariel Root Wolpe “We Are Whole”
- Elana Rozenfeld “Narrow Bridge”
- Aviva Rose Gottlieb “Gesher”
- Aviva Rose Gottlieb “Ha’Olam b’Targum”
- Julia Ostrov & Kristen Plylar-Moore “You Were Strangers”
- Yoni Battat “Will Her Love Remember”
- Beth Schafer “Red Sea Strut”
- Laurie Akers & Kenneth Lyonswright “Mah Gadlu”
- Ellen Allard “How Good”
- Naomi Less “Thank You”
- Deborah Sacks Mintz “Miriam HaNeviah”
- Julia Ostrov & Kristen Plylar-Moore “Wherever You Go”
- Aviva Rose Gottlieb “Shirat Isha”
- Aviva Chernick “Min Hameitzar”
- Natalie Young “Mizmor Shir”
- Sue Horowitz “Step On the Gas”
- Lisa Levine “Light is Sown”
- Alisa Pomerantz-Boro “A Song for Healing (Refuah Shlema)”
- Natalie Young “Adon Olam”
- Laurie Akers & Jacqueline Rafii “Hallelu”
- Laura Wolfe “Breathe”
- Naomi Less “Dah”
- Ellen Allard “Morning Star”
- Shanna Zell “Who Will Turn Your World Around”
- Lizzie Swan “Space Shoes”
- Joanie Leeds “All the Ladies”
- Lisa Levine “El Na”
- Lisa Levine “Lo Ira”
- Laurie Akers “Nachamu”
- Shoshana Jedwab “Torah Orah”
- Shul Sisters “Remember, Woman, Remember”
- Abbie Strauss “Hava Nashira”
- Elana Jagoda “Rise Up”
- Abbie Strauss “Pitchu Li”
- Elana Jagoda “Holy Sister”
- Abbie Strauss “Ashrei”
- Elana Jagoda “This Light Tonight”
- Nefesh Mountain “Evermore”
- Shoshana Jedwab “Generous Sun“
- Melita Doostan & Octopretzel “El Na Refanahlah”
- Batya Levine “Nechama”
- Ariel Root Wolpe “Ruach Neshama”
- Shira Kline “Turning of the World”
- Chava Mirel “Stand Up”
- Aviva Chernick “Chadeish Yameinu”
- Beth Styles “Shalom Rav”
- Basya Schechter “Avrohum”
- Basya Schechter “Peace is the Way
- Basya Schechter “There “Must Be
- Basya Schechter “If You Hold On”
- Basya Schechter “Arrives the Bride”
- Basya Schechter “Dumiyah”
- Neshama Carlebach “HaTov“
- Judi Tal “May the Day Soon Come“
- Chana Rothman “Holy”
- Chava Mirel “Peace “of Wild Things
- Daphna Rosenberg “Shiviti”
- HaYehudim “M’chapes tshuva”
- Beth Styles “Miriam’s Song”
- Ada Pasternak “Follow Your Heart”
- Lizzie Swan “Ahava is Love – Ahava Achat”
- Lizzie Swan “Time to Shine”
- Joanie Leeds and Chava Mirel “Glass Ceilings”
- Talya Smilowitz and Laurie Akers “Grateful“
- Shira Lissek “Mi Shebeirach”
- Joanna Dulkin “Luleh He’emanti”
- Naomi Less “Sisters Count”
- Blesd “Healing“
- Feliza & Or Zohar “El Na Refa Na La”
- Nava Tehila “Ana El Na”
- Beth Hamon “Rfaeynu”
- Julie Silver “Rfa-einu”
- Neshama Carlebach “Hear Our Prayer“
- Natalie Young “Adonai Sfatai”
- Elana Arian “Ahavah Rabbah Feat. Noah Aronson”
- Elana Jagoda “Oseh Shalom”
- Rebekka Goldsmith “A Time For Love”
- Rebekka Goldsmith “Action Earth Assiyah”
- Rebekka Goldsmith “At the Edge of the World”
- Rebekka Goldsmith “Blessed We Are”
- Rebekka Goldsmith “Shekhina I ”
- Batya Levine “Karov”
- Batya Levine “Lecha Dodi”
- Batya Levine “We Rise”
- Shoshana Jedwab “Openings”
- Shoshana Jedwab “Praise Elah”
- Shoshana Jedwab “Where You Go“
- Joanie Leeds “RGB”
- Eliana Light “If Only”
- Eliana Light “Three Steps”
- Eliana Light “The Mountains”
- Eliana Light “BeyONEd”
- And Friends “Heart of Mine”
- Beth Styles and friends “Sisters Count”
- Beth Styles and friends “Kos Miriam”
- Rachel Goldman with Cantors around North America “Total Praise + Dayeinu”
- Rachel Goldman “Avinu Shebashamayim”
- Rachel Goldman with Cantors around the World “Yerushalayim Shel Zahav”
- The Shondes “True North”
- Elana Jagoda “Holy Sister Miriam”
- Sue Horowitz “Shine a Light (Or Chadash)”
- Naomi Less “Shalom Rav” (by Jeff Klepper & Dan Freelander)
- Chava Mirel “Rise Up Like the Sun”
- Aviva Chernick “Ana El Na”
- Joanie Leeds “All The Ladies”
- Nava Tehilah “Into the West Niggun”
- Banot “Ki Hineh Kachomer”
- Iris Lune “Drink the Twilight”
- Yonit Spiegelman “Homesick”
- Banot “Tzadik Katamar”
- Mikhal Weiner “Daughter of the Sea”
- Mikhal Weiner “One Place to Go”
- Shir Zehavy “Choices”
- Tali Rubenstein “Falling”
- Banot “Netzor Leshoncha”
- Elana Arian “Hashkiveinu”
- Natalie Young “Sweet Gentle Night“
- Rebecca Schwartz “Ma’ariv Aravim”
- Miriam Raziel “Light Warrior“
- Blesd “The Same“
- We Are the Northern Lights “Sunshine”
- Lisa Levine “God Will See Us Through”
- Lisa Levine “God’s Joyful Music”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Adonai S’fatai”
- Laurie Akers “Stand Strong“
- Susan Colin “Things Without End Eilu Devarim”
- Eliana Light “Sukkat Shalom”
- Eric and Happie “Mi Chamocha”
- Joanie Leeds and Matt Check “Sterling”
- Shani Ben Or and Nigunim Ensemble “Yonati”
- Chana Rothman “Inadequate”
- Naomi Less “One Simple Thing“
- Beth Schafer “Here I Am”
- Julie Silver “Pichtu Li”
- Jessi Roemer “Psalm 24: For Earth”
- Aviva Chernick “Min Hameitzar”
- Basya Schechter “Zikaron”
- Naomi Less “P’tach Lanu”
- Natalie Young “B’sefer Chayim”
- The Artists of Storahtelling “B’sefer Chayim”
- Laura Berman “Home”
- Susan Shane Linder “You Came Home My Old Friend”
- Ellen Allard “Be Holy, Hear the Whisper”
- Heather Klein “Zing Mit Mir”
- Naomi Less “One Simple Thing”
- Eliana Light “Shirat Nafshi”
- Alicia Jo Rabins “Rubies”
- Chava Mirel “Let Us Thank And Praise You”
- Chana Rothman “Shine Like the Sun”
- Natalie Young “Halleluyah”
- Beth Hamon “Cedar Tree”
- Neshama Carlebach “Believe”
- Beth Schafer “Limdu Heiteiv”
- Ellie Flier “Ahavat Olam ft. Josh Goldberg”
- Sue Horowitz “Peace Song”
- Stacy Beyer “Good Trouble”
- Ahavat Hinam “Gam Ze”
- Chava Alberstein “London”
- Yehudit Ravitz “Rachavat Harikudim”
- Riki Gal “Naarat Rock”
- Netta “Bassa Sababa”
- Lola Marsh “She’s A Rainbow “
- Jane Bordeaux “Eich Efshar”
- Tali Man “Shiryun”
- Shani Ben Or and Nigunim Ensemble “Yonati”
- Beth Schafer “Limdu Heiteiv”
- Patti Linsky “Travelers In Time”
- Marsha Attie “Heart of Mine”
- Julie Silver “Pitchu Li”
- Natalie Young “Halleluyah”
- Naomi Shemer “Od Lo Ahavti Dai”
- Peri Smilow “Ashrey”
- Neshama Carlebach “Believe”
- Chava Mire l “Lift Them Up”
- Dan Nichols and Ellen Dreskin “Ya Ana”
- Beth Hamon “Mah Tovu”
- Deborah Sacks Mintz “Nigun Nadav-Eli Atah”
- Eliana Light “Bezrat Hashem”
- Naomi Less “Safe Return”
- Ellen Allard “Adon Olam”
- Nefesh Mountain “Tree of Life”
- Lizzi Heydeman “Adon Haselichot”
- Shira Kline “Sim Shalom”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Shalom Rav”
- Ofra Haza “Adama”
- The Levins “Captain Tree”
- Rayzel Raphael “Forests Rejoice Psalm 96”
- Naomi Less and Matt Check “Eitz Chayim”
- Ellen Allard “For Trees”
- Natalie Young “Tzadik Katamar”
- Hannah Spiro “Mah Gadlu”
- Joanie Leeds “I Wanna Be Green”
- Debbie Friedman “Light These Lights”
- Julie Silver “Light In My Life”
- Laurie Akers “Stand Strong”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Adonai S’fatai”
- Elana Jagoda “This Light Tonight”
- Naomi Less “New Light”
- Chana Rothman “Shine Like the Sun”
- Debbie Friedman “Miriam’s Song”
- Beth Schafer “Children of Freedom”
- Natalie Young “Shalom Rav”
- Joanie Leeds and Matt Check “Shma”
- Ellie Flier “Ahavat Olam ft. Josh Goldberg”
- Elana Arian “Hinei Matov”
- Naomi Less “Shine (Yivarech’cha)”
- Nava Tehila “Shiviti”
- Josh Warshawsky featuring Coleen Dieker “Hame’irah”
- Debbie Friedman “Hal’luyah, Psalm 150”
- Miri Aloni “Shir LaShalom”
- Marsha Attie “Heart of Mine”
- Elana Arian “Mi Chamocha”
- Michelle Citrin “Yih’yu L’ratzon”
- Briannah Kaplan “Modeh Ani”
- Naomi Less “Gibor”
- Shira Ginsburg “Ozi”
- Dana International “Mi HaIsh”
- Nava Tehila “Shiviti”
- Rebekah Mersky “Modeh Ani”
- Golem “Tanz”
- Barry Sisters “Hava Nagila”
- Alicia Jo Rabins “Empty Jar”
- Julia Ostrov & Kristen Plylar-Moore “Wherever You Go”
- Naomi Less and Glenn Grossman “Learn to Depend”
- Robbi Sherwin and Happie Hoffman “We Won’t Back Down”
- Robbi Sherwin “Ma’ariv Aravim”
- Julie Silver “Shir Chadash”
- Debbie Friedman “Miriam’s Song”
- Shira Kline “Sim Shalom”
- Rebecca Schwartz “Only a Matter of Time (Remix)”
- Ellen Allard “How Good”
- Chana Rothman “We Are One”
- Naomi Less “Gibor”
- Joanie Leeds “Mayim”
- Eric and Happie “Mi Chamocha”
- Elana Arian “Hinei Matov”
- Beth Hamon “Cedar Tree”
- Lisa Levine “Mi Sheberach”
- Julie Silver “Esah Einai”
- Debbie Winston and Merri Lovinger Arian “Oh Guide My Steps”
- Lisa Levine “Bring Healing Down”
- Lisa Levine “Bridge To Peace”
- Lisa Levine “May The Angels”
- Lisa Levine “Holy, Holiness”
- Debbie Friedman “The Angels’ Blessing”
- Debbie Friedman “Light These Lights”
- Debbie Friedman “You Are the One”
- Debbie Friedman “Mi Shebeirach”
- Cantors Angela Buchdahl and Julia Katz “Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy”
- Debbie Friedman “The Time Is Now”
- Sarah Aroeste “Buen Shabat”
- Basya Schechter “Arrives the Bride”
- Beth Hamon “Let it Burn”
- Deborah Sacks Mintz “Makom Bina”
- Shira Ginsburg “Ozi”
- Sue Horowitz “Good Place to Start”
- Lucy Greenbaum “Adonai S’fatai”
- Naomi Less “All the Fears”
- Laurie Akers “Yihiyu L’Ratzon”
- Stacy Beyer “We’re Justified”
- Beth Schafer “Bring It Down “
- Chava Mirel “Stand Up”
- Elana Arian “Dodi Li”
- Natalie Young “Shalom Rav”
- Marci Geller “Resist”
- Lucy Kaplansky “Scavenger”
- Regina Spektor “Samson “
- Regina Spektor “Laughing With”
- Rachael Sage “7 Angels”
- Rachael Sage “93 Maidens”
- Lisa Loeb “Light”
- Barbra Streisand “Where Is It Written?”
- Chana Rothman “We Can Rise”
- Ellen Allard “How Good”
- Beth Schafer “Bring It Down”
- Naomi Less “Meshuga’at”
- Mindy Kornberg’s Soul Tune Singers “The Fiftieth Day – A Song For Shavuot”
- Abbie Strauss “Torah Tzivah”
- Naomi Less and Glenn Grossman “Shout’em Out”
- Hannah Spiro “Wherever You Go”
- Aviva Chernick “Hashiveinu (Turning And Returning)”
- Aviva Chernick “Chadesh Yameinu (Turn Your Face To The Sun)”
- Eliana Light “A New Light”
- Melita Silberstein “Light Within”
- Beth Hamon “Lev Tahor”
- Samantha Trattner “Esah Einai”
- Natalie Young “God of Creation”
- Abbie Strauss “Shalom Aliechem”
- Alison Westermann “I Will Not Fear”
- Chava Mirel “Up Up Down”
- Naomi Less “Breathe”
- Neshama Carlebach “Heaven and Earth”
- Galeet Dardashti “Vashti”
- Basya Schechter “Ka Ribon”
- Sarah Aroeste “Gracia”
- Doni Zasloff “Adonai Love Me”
- Aviva Chernick “Bo’i Kalah”
- Mika Karny “Kol Dodi”
- Naomi Less and Matt Check “Eitz Chayim”
- Debbie Friedman “Sing Unto God”
- Beth Schafer “In This House”
- Elana Jagoda “This Light Tonight”
- Shoshana Jedwab “Praise Elah”
- Julie Silver “Sim Shalom”
- Daphna Rosenberg “Shalom Aleichem”
- Robbi Sherwin “Adon Olam”
- Naomi Less “Thank You”
- Sue Horowitz “Teach The Children”
- Noa (Achinoam Nini) “There Must Be Another Way”
- Chana Rothman “Gates of Justice”
- Michelle Citrin “Someday”
- Peri Smilow “Where Was God”
- Alicia Jo Rabins “New Arithmetic”
- Linda Hirschhorn “Circle Chant”
- Naomi Less “Safe Return”
Episode 42: In Times of War
Episode 41: Ayelet Rose Gottlieb
Episode 40: Emerging from Challenge
Episode 39: Sizzlin’ Summer Tracks
Episode 38: Songs from the Pandemic
Episode 37: Abbie Strauss and Elana Jagoda
Episode 36: Shmita
Episode 35: Basya Schechter
Episode 34: Eliana Light at Ramah Darom
Episode 33: Miriam’s Table
Episode 32: Heal Our Home
Episode 31: Rebekka Goldsmith
Episode 30: Powerhouses
Episode 29: Eliana Light
Episode 28: Quarantine with Beth Styles and Rachel Goldman
Episode 27: Resilience, Strength, Healing
Episode 26: Banot
Episode 25: Light
Episode 24: 2019 Biennial Blast!
Episode 23: High Holidays
Episode 22: NewCAJE 2019 Preview
Episode 21: Your Voice Your Choice & Jewish Chicks Rock Preview
Episode 20: Israeli Artist Showcase
Episode 19: Elevate!
Episode 18: Best of SLBC 2019
Episode 17, Tu Bshvat
Episode 16, Light
Episode 15, Songs That Make You Feel Good
Episode 14, 5779
Episode 13, The New, The Old, and The Ground Breaking!
Episode 12: Jewish Women Rock Your 2018 Camp Music
Episode 11, Jewish Healing Music, Part 2 with Cantor Lisa Levine
Episode 10, Debbie Friedman and the Emergence of the Jewish Healing Service featuring Rabbi Michael Strassfeld
Episode 9, New Releases and Emerging Music
Episode 8, Beth Schafer and Stacy Beyer
Episode 7, Pop Artists with Jewish Backgrounds
Episode 6, Jewish Chicks Rock at Camp Louise
Episode 5, Aviva Chernick, Revelation, and Shavuot
Episode 4, Songleader Boot Camp Listeners’ Choice
Episode 3, Boundary Breakers
Episode 2, Women Who Rock the Worship World
Episode 1, Voices of Change
Check out the Showtimes page for details and showtimes for all of JRR’s celebrity-hosted shows!