Celebrity Interview | Dave Schneider
A Bar Mitzavah memory by Dave: Though I was about to step into manhood, I was still a bit difficult. I remember asking my mother at my Bar Mitzvah, “Why don’t we have a live band?” She said that the bands I requested were too expensive and completely unrealistic. I pouted and explained that I could understand The Beatles and The Who, but couldn’t she at least get the Cars? Cut to: 13 years later. I was having trouble finding subjects for songs. I decided to write songs only about hockey. Then I started a band with some good friends called The Zambonis. We wrote and sang songs only about…hockey! For the past 15 years it’s been songs about hockey, life, love but always hockey. You get the idea. Luckily, Adam asked me to write some songs about Hanukkah. I now only write songs about Jews and hockey. You can also find me entertaining thousands of fans at every home game for the Bridgeport Sound Tigers. Since the year 2000, I have been the on ice MC.